
Girardinus metallicus
In the picture below we have some metallic girardinus (Girardinus metallicus). This is a kept breed which showed up more frequently in the eighties than nowadays. Its origin goes back to Central Cuba where they can be found in creeks, ponds and shallow streams. The males will stay a lot smaller than the females. Officially there's just one kind in the wild occurring. And that version is very plain in coloration and is basically greyish. But most known are the two fancy breeds. The ones with a black belly and the ones with the yellow belly.

Normal phenotype.

Yellow belly phenotype.

Black belly phenotype (also known as Black chin).
Note: A male that hasn't any coloration on his belly (so, just plain grey), doesn't have a courtship unlike yellow and black belly males.
When it comes to coloration, this breed isn't that intense. But just because these days this fish doesn't occur that often in the aquaristic world anymore, it seemed tempting to keep this one because of its current oddness. And they've got a certain charm as well.
Also the upper part of its eye has a bluish shining. The females reaches 7 cm ( (less than 3 inches) in length while the males will stop at 2,5 cm (1 inch) when it concerns a black belly male. But a yellow belly male and a male with a clear belly can reach up to 5 - 6 cm in size. Be sure that the tank will be well planted especially when you like to breed them. And keep the temperature between 24°C and 28°C. For they'll do good at these rates.

Above: A rare phenotype. This is a leucistic male (white with black eyes). It's a recessive trait.
Below: A leucistic male (top) and a normal male (bottom).

Girardinus uninotatus
The Girardinus uninotatus (also known as Glaridichthys torralbasi and singlespot topminnow) originates from the western part of Cuba and firstly described by Poey (1860).

This slender and friendly livebearer can be kept in soft till neutral water (pH 6,5-7,5) and best kept at temperatures between 18°C - 28°C. Which makes it a contender to keep outdoors during the better months of the year. They can size up till approximately 6 - 10 cm. But in an average fishtank a max size of 6cm is more realistic.
The newborn fry will be born at a size between 10 - 15 mm. They adults also won't chase nor eat their fry. So, the fry can be kept together with the adults without a problem.

Both genders have a comma sign on both sides behind the belly area.
Further on, this omnivore inhabits streams and other waters and they mainly reside at the banks.
Below: The red mark shows their distribution.

Girardinus falcatus.
The Girardinus falcatus (also known as Goldbelly topminnow and yellow belly) is to be found in ponds, lakes and lowland streams in Cuba.

This omnivore lives in moderate flowing till still waters with a sandy till muddy substrate and lots of vegetation. Physically, there's quite a difference in body size between both genders. The male will grow up to 4-5 cm and a female up to 5-7 cm.