Published articles 1
In this section are my own written articles. These articles have been published in one or all three countries: the Netherlands, Germany and France. Articles are published in "Poecilia nieuws" of Poecilia Netherlands (PN), "Viviparos" of VDA Arbeitskreises Lebendgebärende Aquarienfisch (VDA-AK) and "Le vivipare" of Association France Vivipares (AFV).
Poecilia nieuws
In August 2015 I was asked to write an article for "Poecilia nieuws" about the Killifish and Livebearer Convention 2015 in Asperen. And I gladly did...
The article has been published in the November edition.
"Poecilia nieuws" is the quarterly magazine of Poecilia Netherlands (Dutch society of livebearers).

In the May edition 2016 an article has been published by me about the Micropoecilia picta. The pictures were made by others. I've send some pictures as well to be published but they were not of a good quality. So, I'm really glad that two other members have been offering their pictures instead.
This article was suppose to be published in the February edition 2016 but due to computer problems of the lay-out supervisor plural articles could not be published in February. So, they were all postponed and published in the May edition 2016.

The October 2016 edition contained a 4 page article written by me about the PN Asperen 2016 meeting. It was held in combination of the 41st edition of the KFN meeting. Officially PN did not contribute to the show itself. Despite of that, PN did have a small set up with several livebearers on the exhibition floor.

An article (3 pages) of mine about the VDA-AK and PN meeting in Bocholt (Germany) on October 29th 2016 was published in the February 2017 edition of Poecilia Nieuws. Both societies met up at the Kamperschroer Hotel in Bocholt, Germany.

An article (4 pages) written by me about the Poecilia formosa was published in the February 2018 edition of Poecilia Nieuws. It tells about the Poecilia formosa also known as the Amazon molly. A unique wild strain of a molly. It concerns an asexual strain which reproduces itself by gynogenesis.

An article (4 pages) about my fishroom was published in the September 2018 edition of Poecilia nieuws. It gives an impression of how I keep my fish and tanks. and not just indoors but also outdoors.

An article (3 pages) about the Amazon molly (Poecilia formosa) has been published in the 2018 September edition of the German livebearer magazine Viviparos.

An article (4 pages) of mine about the Poeciliopsis profilica has been published in the November 2018 edition of Poecilia nieuws. It describes one of the more smaller and peaceful Poeciliopsis species.

An article of mine (4 pages) has been published about our visit at Burgers zoo in the November 2018 edition of Poeclia nieuws. The article writes about our livebearer society Poecilia Netherlands 35th anniversary. On the occasion of this anniversary we had an outing at Burgers zoo in Arnhem (the Netherlands) on October 28th 2018. We had a tour behind the scenes of the aquarium and the new indoor Belize mangrove.

An article (5 pages) of mine about the Poecilia formosa has been published in the January 2019 edition of the French livebearer magazine Le Vivipare.

An article (5 pages) of mine about hybrids and hybridization in livebearers has been published in the February 2019 edition of Poecilia nieuws.

An article (3 pages) of mine about the Staeck endler has been published in the May 2019 edition of Poecilia nieuws. It tells about the Staeck endler (also known as black endler). Although the name black endler does not refer to its phenotype. And the question wether the Staeck endler is a genuine endler or a natural hybrid. And the article refers to my meeting with Dr. Wolfgang Staeck in Berlin (Germany) who's name has been given to this Cumana endler.

An article (4 pages) of mine about my fishroom has been published in the September 2019 edition of the German livebearer magazine Viviparos.

Another article (3 pages) of mine about the Micropoecilia picta has been published in the September 2019 edition of the German livebearer magazine Viviparos.

An article (3 pages) of mine about the Micropoecilia parae has been published in the September 2019 edition of Poecilia nieuws. A beautiful subspecies within the Poeciliidae family.

Another article (4 pages) of mine about the mating choice and reproduction in ovoviviparous livebearers has been published in the September 2019 edition of Poecilia nieuws.

An article (4 pages) of mine about the Tiburon limia (Limia tridens) has been published in the November 2019 edition of Poecilia nieuws.

Another article (5 pages) of mine about the Xiphophorus variatus La laguna has ben published in the November 2019 edition of Poecilia nieuws. A beautiful wild variatus platy.