In this section there are some articles involving me within the vivaristic field that have been published in the media.

During the Holland Koi Show in August 2013 at the Castle Gardens of Arcen in Arcen (Province of Limburgia) in the Netherlands, there's also been a huge tent with the sign above the entrance saying: Holland Aquarium Show and Holland Shrimp Show. Besides these two names; one was missing on the sign. For also the Holland Betta Show was present on this show.

On this big event pondlife and related merchandise were the main focus. Starting and keeping ponds in a serious way can result in high costs. To give visitors an option to maintain an aquatic hobby with a more friendly billing, this tent full of aquaristic sightseeings showed the possibilities. There were sufficient exposants with freshwater livestock like e.g. fish and several crustaceans. Also plants, tanks, decoration, food, supplements and supplies were shown and sold. And for sure all kinds of novities within the technical field of aquaristics.
The Koimagazine "Koiwijzer" from the koi society KOI 2000 wrote a 4 page article about this huge event. And some details related to the Holland Aquarium Show which also I've participated. In one magazine photo a part of my booth is to be seen.

International Guppy Fachjournal

In June 2013 I was acknowledged by Claus Osche (member of Guppytreff-Berlin and DGLZ) of an initiative to set up an international endler championship in Berlin. I was really enthusiastic by the idea and told him that I would love to send in some fish of mine as an entry to participate the championship. In August 2013 he asked me if I would like to become one of the jurors of the international jury, which I've gladly accepted. Joining the team in late October in Berlin I had an incredible awesome time and somewhat also educational (you're never too old to learn even more...).
It turned out to be an endler show which had an international allure with all the entries of several countries as we've expected it to be. I've met up with several VIP's from the European freshwater tank scene and made also other new friends within this field.
Above: Michael J. Schönefeld
One of them was Michael J. Schönefeld from DPS Verlag in Dortmund. He's the ceo/publisher of the freshwater magazine "International Guppy Fachjournal".

In the edition of January 2014 a specific article has been published regarding the International Endler Championship.

Above: the banner of the International Endler Championship 2013 during the "Heimtiermesse Berlin" at the Velodrom Expo Center.

I was really anxious for the edition to show up in my mailbox. Some fish which were participating the championship were also published. One of them was my entry of japan blue lyretail blue fins. It was tagged as being a japan blue wingei variety.

Photo right: January 2014 edition IGF
Have to admit that I was very pleased that my name and one of my fish was published as well. Of all the entries of japan blue, my japan blues were the only ones with lyretails and blue fins.

AquaHortus Leiden magazine (Botanical Gardens of the University of Leiden)
During the 3 week AquaHortus2015 exhibition, Emeraldking-aquatics's logo has been published in the AquaHortus Leiden magazine as being an exhibitor and sponsor.

And there was also a flyer with all the sponsors mentioned...

Also the website of the AquaHortus2015 published all introductions of all participants of the exhibition on individual pages.

Poecilia nieuws
In the February edition 2016 of Poecilia nieuws, Emeraldking- aquatics has been mentioned in the balance sheet 2015 regarding my contribution to the 3 week lasting AquaHortus2015 exhibition at the Hortus Botanicus in Leiden (the Netherlands).

Tubantia newspaper

Above: A report by Tubantia newspaper about the Twentse Aqua Terra Beurs in Almelo. I was briefly interviewed as well.:
Above: Network AAVisie made this report about the Twentse Aqua Terra Beurs in front of my booth.
FSQC "Fancy Show Quality Guppies
On the homepage of FSQC "Fancy Show Quality Guppies" one of my moscow guppies has been highlighted on August 8th 2019 by Igor Dusanic.

Vivarium 2019
Below: Overhere a video from the Vivarium Netherlands of a personal recognition from my friends, fellow exposants and the organizer of the Vivarium. This happened because of my loyalty, knowledge and my health situation from what I've got from the speech. But above all, it's a token of unconditional friendship. Totally not expected...

The Vivarium always releases a booklet with maps and other interesting items within the vivaristic field and related to the event itself for all visitors of the event. The 2019 edition wasn't any different.
To my surprise the organizer wrote about me in a preface, without mentioning my name, in relation to my clinical picture. And that despite of my serious health condition, I am still committed to the event.
The organizer of the Vivarium told me how they respected me as a person, exhibitor and for the positive attitude I have despite of my cancer situation, my other illnesses and disorders. This part in the preface was written by request of fellow exhibitors and himself. And to let visitors know that despite of a very serious and life threatening health situation, a hobby as such can also have a place with someone who's really ill. And that a passionate hobby can create a purpose and hope for someone as ill as I am.

Below: A video with Michael J. Schönfeld. And a short talk with me.
NBAT "Het Aquarium"
In the December 2020 issue of the aquaristic magazine "Het Aquarium", released by NBAT (Nederlandse Bond Aqua Terra), an article (8 pages) by Ferry Winter (good friend of mine and co-member of Poecilia Netherlands) about livebearers has been published. He has used my website as a source and 8 of my photos to illustrate his article.

BBAT "Aquarium Wereld"
Patrick Loosveldt from Belgium wrote an article about the Limia islai and Limia mandibularis. For this article photos of the Limia islai of mine have been used to illustrate this article in the Belgian aquarium magazine "Aquarium Wereld", February 2021 edition.

VDA-AK "Viviparos"
In the German magazine Viviparos 1-2021, our names were mentioned in the article about the Livebearer meeting in Bocholt, Germany on October 3rd 2020. We (two of us) were the only representatives of the Dutch delegation that went to Bocholt. We couldn't actually join the meeting itself because of the German government measures that were taken the day before. We've exchanged fish outside the hotel where the meeting took place.

Guppy, de basis van de genetika
On this homepage about guppy genetics by Rudy Vanderstraeten, my name has been mentioned and a reference is made to my website:

Tropische vissengids
Two of my photos have been used to illustrate the description of the endler (Poecilia wingei) on the "Tropische vissengids site".

Below: I was a guest speaker during the livestream from New Zealand about livebearers and me as a passionate aquarist. With Cameron Scott Wellington (New Zealand) and John Mitchell (Scotland). September 2nd 2022.

My photos of Xiphophorus meyeri were used for the page of the marble swordtail. Despite of this name, it's actually a wild platy species.