Old drawings & sketches
I'm a big fan of old drawings and sketches of fish. If I look at my collection of aquarium fish books, a great part of them are old books. Part those old books have illustrations that are sketched and old books that have photos as illustrations. And those illustrations are in black and white but also colored. The old colored photos makes me think back to the quality of the Kodachrome photo look. People of my age and older may remember that photo look.
This section will show you a number of those old drawings and sketches. And may I remind you that the older aquarium fish books do contain more valuable content than most modern commercial books.
Enjoy the illustrations...

Left & above: Courtesy of Mary Evans.

Post stamps
Besides old illustrations, I also love old post stamps with livebearers on it. It's really something of the old'n day that post stamps from all over the world were released.