Besides aquariums and terrariums, I've got several hobbies which have nothing to do with the vivaristic field. But I leave them out of this website becoz' of their irrelevancy.
What I would like to share is my urge to help others out within the vivaristic field in my spare time.
E.g., I do help some LFS' in the region. One of them is a friend of mine and I've helped him out with his LFS from time to time.

Left: Me doing some maintenance.
I do help informing the customers, do the sales, maintenance and coach when it's convenient to do so...

Left: A nano tank which I've scaped for an LFS' counter
In this nano tank above, I've put several male endlers of different strains in to show people what kind of endlers are available. Of course, I was the supplier of those fish...
We've also put a breeding room together overthere where mainly livebearers were bred.

Above: I took care of the labels of each tank in the LFS so each cooperator didn't had to bother knowing all names of the species anymore... Quite practical!
On request I also check out on koi. Wether people wanna know if the koi is in a good condition or something else that one is asking me for regarding the koi or other pond fish, I'm giving them a consult.

I've kept koi ever since the mid '80's of the last century. I had already koi before it became a hype in the Netherlands.

What I also love to do is participating vivaristic events. It gives me the opportunity to represent my website, my own individuality, my knowledge, my livestock but above all: my passion for this fascinating hobby...
Being an exposant at such events gives me the opportunity to network in a fun but also a serious way within the vivaristic field...
Despite of the fact that my interest is keeping and breeding the more rare specimens among livebearers, it has turned out that endlers have taken an important place into my hobby. And yes, at vivaristic events my core business refers mainly to endlers and wild guppies.
But at some point, I expanded my program at vivaristic events back to other rare livebearers again. But wild guppies and endlers remain a focus.
And by my fellow exhibitor at vivaristic events I was given the nickname "Stan the Endlerman". Well, from now on there are also some promotional items which shows my nickname...

And of course, I also deliver livestock from time to time myself.
Above and below: I had a late order of some livebearers which had to be delivered in late afternoon.