Throughout the years I've traveled al lot around this globe. The best things to do during a trip somewhere in this world for me is doing cultural stuff, socialize with the locals to feel the spirit of the country and going into nature.
When it comes to going into nature means to me to feel, breath and see animals and vegetation in all their beauty from as nearby as possible.

Left photo above: Me at one of the lagoons in San Ignacio (an oasis town in Baja California Sur, Mexico).
I've also been to areas in Northern-, Central- and South America on a frequent bases. Í myself have even lived in Canada for a while. Nature is of an unknown beauty to me. I just can't imagine myself without having nature around me... If I get the chance to go out and spend my time in nature; I won't hesitate to do so...!
San Ignacio is surrounded by a certain amount of lagoons. A beautiful scenery and a paradise like some other places I've been.

The water in those lagoons seem a bit dark from time to time (depending of the spot you are). But you can clearly see the fish and for sure the livebearers which you can just grab out of the water if you do it with some ease...

For sure, fish have a very important attraction on me but so do all animals for that matter. And therefore I've been frequently in such areas where you'll be able to find these fish in wild nature. I truly believe that one can understand the total nature of animals (in this case fish) once one has visited those distinct places. Such an experience enriches one much more than a thousand books. Not all that's been written acknowledge the practical truth... The practical truth tells you more about the biology of fish, their behavior and their needs.
Below: One of the branches of the Caura River.

When I went to Venezuela, I went also up north to stay in Maripa for a couple of days to see the Caura River. It's a large zone where al lot of animals have their natural habitat. Besides those cute little fish, also lots of predators are among them. So, of course it wasn't totally safe to go there but it's such a repay when you're overthere. As a true nature lover of exotic wild sceneries, this is the place to be...!

Also at these branches of the Caura river the water seems a bit dark on a distance but actually the bottom can be seen very clearly. And it does have a lot of shallow areas which increases the fun to try to catch fish.
Well, the heat was so intense overthere during the day that I really had to take my shirt off. Despite of the heat, it didn't stop me from looking for fish. And basically, I couldn't care less what kind of fish I would catch. Noticing them swimming where I stood was already a real pay off to me...

After spending my time in this part I've tried a different area of this branch. And this time I tried to check out aquatic specimens without the help of a fishnet.

Yes, I've seen very interesting specimens in this area and enjoyed the scenery for the fullest. This is nature in its purest form...
I would really recommend this piece of the world to those who would love to be in a serene environment. It's a subtropical world with not too much people surrounding you. Just be one with nature when you're outthere...

Observing fish from that close is always a great thing to do. But that goes also for all live specimen for that matter.
And it's a real refreshment to step into the water. For the heat can be very intense in these areas. Some nibbling on your skin by fish is also a treatment I can recommend...

I've been on a 10 day trip to Colombia and went to less touristic areas in the north-eastern part of the country. I've stayed in Valledupar where I went into nature to pay visits to some nearby streams. In this case Río Marquezote and Río Quatapurí. Río Marquezote is also known as Arroyo Marquezote and it's a closer to Valledupar than Río Quatapurí. Besides livebearers also cichlids are to be found in these streams. To find those cichlids you have to go a bit more to the mid of these streams for the sides are a bit too shallow for them.
Overhere some pics of some parts of Río Marquezote.

In these more shallow parts are besides wild guppies also small catfish to be found.
Overhere are some of the wild guppies that can be found in the more shallow parts of this river.

Left and above: A couple of male wild guppies in one catch...

Well, look how colorful these males are...
I also found these guys while using the fishnet in the shallow parts nearby the side.

Photo left: Also this little guy swam in this area...
A bit further the river runs more deeper and I got curious of what kind of fish I would meet up with in those parts.
In this part I caught wild guppies which looked a bit different than the ones in the shallow area.

Below: This male is much more colorful than the ones I've caught before.

In Canada where I was resident for a while, nature is close by... For me it took just 10 minutes on foot when I left the house to get to the lakeshore. If you wanna try to catch catfish by hand overthere, there's a good chance that you might be lucky.

Above: Georgian Bay, Wasaga Beach (Ont.), Canada.
If you would like to enjoy the ease and peace of nature, Algonquin Provincial Park is the place to be. It's a protected area with several lakes and streams and a size equal to Belgium. You can really enjoy nature as it suppose to be... Camping is a real must overthere...! When it's dawn, moose and other mammals are crossing the pathways through the forests. Majestic creatures to watch. But you have to be careful for they're really large...!
Have you ever tried catching salmon or trout by hand? Well, in Northern-America it's possible! I've tried it in creeks and other shallow streams. Next to Oakville (Ont.) we have Mississauga. There's are some creeks overthere and it's really marvelous to step into the shallow stream and see those fish already swimming towards you...

Also on Margaritha island there are lots of spots to have an encounter with several animals. Overhere on the picture shown above a tarantula is put on my arm. I went with this group (normally I prefer to go on my own, by the way...) and how scared they were seeing overgrown insects and other jungle animals that close...
It's not that I just go into nature in tropical and subtropical countries. Also in other parts of the world I do the same thing as I've mentioned before. Wether that's in America, Europe, Africa or where ever... They all have a piece of nature to be discovered... And I like to be one of those explorers every single time I get the chance to do so...
I do have to admit that in general I dislike the idea of people who only believe something when it's scientifically published. Just be aware that even when some theory is published, that it doesn't prove a 100% that it's true! As the word "theory" already assumes, it's assumable... If science can't prove something, assuming seems to be the next step...! I just wanted to make this statement for my travels and experiences have taught me differently...
I hope to get the chance to be able to still see lots of places on this globe to get a touch of nature...